November 10, 2024 - 02:42 PM


Ooh Le SIDA une terrible maladie 
Ooh Aids, a terrible disease/condition
Le SIDA  un mal qui ne pardonne pas 
A disease/condition without mercy/ merciless/unforgiving
Un mal qui n’epargne  une personne
A disease which does not spare anyone/any person
Oh c’est fleau  le SIDA qui laisse impuissante le medecin
Thus scourge that leaves doctors helpless/powerless


Benda  nzoto ngai nabendi nzoto mama 
Train/restrain yourself, I too will restrain myself
Benda ya yo ngai nabendi ya ngai
Restrain yours, I restrain yours
SIDA eponi  ekolo te mama
Aids does not choose/discriminate any nation/country/state
SIDA eponi loposo te mama 
Aids does not discriminate against any skin( used to refer to race)
SIDA  eponi âge te mama
Aids does not discriminate against a person’s age
Bamaama, bokeba
Ladies be careful
Bataaata, tokeba
Gentlemen let's be careful
Naloba nini mama eeh *2
What do I say
SIDA ekaboli bikolo mama 
Aids has divided nations
SIDA ebomeli libala mama 
Aids has killed marriage
SIDA epanzeli ngai  famille mama
Aids has scattered my family
Baliaka na ngai, bamelaka na ngai 
They used to eat with me and drink with me
Bakomi nde kokima ngai mama 
They have since fled from me
Balobi mpo ngai nazui maladie ya SIDA  
They say it is because I got the Aids virus/got infected by AIDS
Baninga nyoso bakimi ngai mama 
All my friends have fled from me
Nalela epai ya nani mama eeh ?
Where do I cry?


Le SIDA ravage tous les peuples 
AIDS has ravages/devastates all/everybody
Il ya peu  L’Europe et L’Amerique accussaient  L’Afrique detre le le berceau du SIDA 
A few guys in Europe and The Americas would  point  out/ emphasize that Africa was the cradle of AIDS
A une period recente, l’Asie se disait est cartee par le mal du SIDA,
Much recently, Asia was said to be ….. by AIDS
 Aujourd’hui tous ces continent se retrouvent attaque
Today, all these continents have found themselves to be victims/faced the scourge/attack of AIDS
Le SIDA n’y arête pas sa sasinistre course 
AIDS has not stopped to …
Toutes les course de Sociète  sont victimes du SIDA; 
All races in the society are victims of Aids
Bébés, enfant, jeune, adulte, viellard, ouvrier, bureaucrates,Cadre,hommes, femmes, et meme les médecins eux aussi  
Babies,children, elderly, civil servants, administrators,The Management,men women and doctors, they too.
Le SIDA peut frapper n’importe qui
AIDS can attack/strike down anyone
Le SIDA peut tuer, Il tue toute le monde qui ne cherche pas a se protèger
AIDS can kill, it kills every person who does not (look to) protect himself
Vous  frères est soeurs qui sont déjà atteints du SIDA , ne cherche pas a méchament contaminer les 
autres ooh mama
You brothers and sisters who have already contracted/been infected by AIDS, don’t look to  infect others intentionally(in bad faith)
Maladies nyoso tobosani mama
We have forgotten all other diseases
Moto azui maladie balobi SIDA
If someone falls sick, they say he got AIDS
Moto azui fievre balobi SIDA 
Someone gets a fever, they say he  got AIDS
Moto akonda balobi SIDA 
If someone loses weight they say it is AIDS
Moto akufa balobi akufi na SIDA 
If someone dies they say he/she has died of AIDS
(In this verse, It is not known to people how to distinguish between AIDS and any other disease, information and technology is still insufficient so people resort to speculation)

Kasi bamaladie ya kala mpo nini tobosani mama eeh 
But why have we forgotten all the diseases of old?
Nzambe, Nzambe, Nzambe, Nzambe Nzambe kaka oh eh 
God, it is only you( I guess he’s crying to God to help humanity)
Maladie oyo ewuti wapi mama
From where did this disease emanate/where did this disease come from?
Bamaladie nyoso tobosani mama
We have forgotten all diseases

A vous les femmes enceinte, a vous qui porter les virus, vous pouvez  les transmettre a vos bébés
To you pregnant ladies/women,you who carry the virus/are infected, you can transmit the virus to your babies
Il y’en a qui ont  les microbes  mais  ne le savent pas  
There are those who have the microbes but do not know it
Mesdames, eviter d’atrapper les grosses lorsque  vous savez que vous avez le virus 
Ladies/Women, avoid getting pregnant  when you know that you have the virus
Si vous entêtez, cest mauvaise, votre bébé risqué d’en mourir souffle 
If you become stubborn, its unfortunate, your baby risks dying from it …..
Jeunes attention, le SIDA  peut vous attaquer surtout vous,la force  vivant de la sociète, 
Youth/young people, beware,AIDS can attack  you, especially you the most energetic people of the society/living force
si vous vous laisse tuer, à qui l’avenir de peuples? 
If you let yourself die, to whom does the future belong?
Éviter des pratiques sexuelles dangereuses, 
Avoid dangerous sexual practices
Étudiante, attention ne vous l’aisser embaquer par un inconnu 
The Student( female) beware, don’t let yourself be involved with unknown people
*(The direct translation is harsh
Prenez  garde  de l’ ârgent que vous recherchez 
Be careful of the money you are looking for
Il peut vous conduire au danger 
It can lead you to danger
Méffiez- vous des partenaire multiples et occasionnaire 
Be wary of many/multiple and casual partners
Gens, encore vous,  attention des drogues 
Young men, you too, beware of drugs
La  pratique de la drogue peut   entraine le SIDA.
Taking drugs can lead to AIDS
  Avec ces aguilles que vous utilisez en vous droguant 
With  these needles that you use in drugging yourself
Ne vous droguez pas, c’est tres mauvaise pour la santé
Don’t drug yourselves, it is very bad for your health/healthwise


Malade oyo malade oyo SIDA *2
Ekolongola moto suki na moto 
It removes hair from someone's head
Ekobimisa moto bapota na nzoto mama
It kills a person with wounds on the body
*Ekolekisa moto libumu ntango nyoso 
It  makes one’s stomach *run all the time
Ekokondisa moto akoma moké
It makes one thin until he becomes small
Maladie oyo maladie oyo SIDA eeh 
This disease AIDS
 totika bikotalokota
We leave…
Kanisa liboso ya kolinga
Think before you love (a person)
Ata aluli yo, kanisa moke aah 
Even if he or she admires/likes you, take time and think
Et vous messieurs et vous citoyens, attention au prostituer 
And you gentlemen and you citizens, beware of prostitution
Eviter des partenaires multiples 
Avoid many/multiple partners
Et vous  madammes  et vous la citoyenne exiger des messieurs de porte d’un  preservatifs 
And you ladies and citizens(lady citizens) make it a requirement for men to use protection(condoms-capotes)
Mettez vous même un produit  qui  vous protège 
Put them yourselves, products that protect you
Ouvrier, bureaucrat, Cadres,a L’atelier,a L’usine,au bureaux,dans vos causerie, répondez les messages de la lutte contre le SIDA ,
Civil servants,administrators,management,In studios/workshops,In processing plants,
when you talk/chat, respond to the call/message on the war against AIDS
Celui qui  en le sait plus renseigne plus en prochaine 
The one knows more info about it,  passes it to the next
Ne vous gênez pas 
Don’t  be shy/embarrassed
Le temps passe vite et avec lui meuretent chaque jour des victimes du SIDA 
Time is moving fast and with it, die, each day, AIDS victims die
Et la bon remède cest  de l’information   
The good remedy/intervention/cure is that of  information
Le meilleure remède c’est de bien présever aah Nzambe 
The best remedy is protecting yourself
Maladie oyo, Maladie oyo SIDA 
Thus disease AIDS
Nzambe apesi biso etumbu eeh 
God gave us suffering/made us to suffer
Prêtres  a la messe, Pasteur au culte, rebée a la synagogue, imam a la mosquée 
Priests presiding over mass, pastors during worship, rabiis in the synagogues, Imams in the mosques,
Vous avez tous  une obligation 
You all have an obligation
une grande obligation  dans la societe 
A great/ mammoth obligation in the society
Utiliser votre office pour prêcher ce que la sociète doit savoir sur le SIDA 
Use  your offices to preach what the society has to know on AIDS
Ne vous gênez pas, c’est de votre devoir d’aucune  parle du SIDA  comme étaient la punition de Dieu aux homes comme ce fut le cas semblait- il le cadre Sodomme et Ghomorre dans les temps anciennes 
Don’t  be embarrassed or shy, its one  of your duties that people talk of AIDS like it was,God’s punishment to man as  the case seemed the surrounding of Sodomand Ghomora in the ancient times
Demandez a Dieu de nous deliver de ce mal, utiliser  vos prier 
Ask God to deliver us from this difficulty, use your prayers
Demandez Dieu de nous montrer le chemin du salut
Ask God to show us the way to safety
Ba famille nyoso bakimi ngai mama
The whole family has fled from me
Mpo ngai nazui maladie ya SIDA 
Because I have contracted AIDS
Natikali obele na mama na ngai
I've been left together with/only with my mother
mpasi ya bomwana ,mama abandi lisusu mama Kosalisa ngai , mpasi na motema mama, mama eeh ,aah 
The childhood problems, my mother has bagun again/ have come to haunt her again, helping me, this brings pain to my heart
Éducateur , instructeur, professeur a l’école, en classe, en colonie de vacances, dès que vous avez une minute libre consacrez  un coserie educatif  sur le SIDA 
Educators, teachers,professors,iin school(primary),in class, in summer camps,as soon as you have free time(a moment )dedicate a educative chat time/discussion on AIDS
Cela entre dans le cadre de votre obligation scolaire
This falls/ It is within the scope of your scholarly duty/obligation
Le s Latins disait il faut un esprit sain  pur un corp  sain
The Latin said, a healthy  spirit must reside within a healthy body/healthy spirit for a healthy body
Éducateur a L’école, au college, au lycée at même a l’universite , *de parents comptent sur  vous pour les epauler  dans cette exaltant tache d’education  de gens 
Educator at school(primary)college,High school,and also at the universities,parents count on you  to shoulder/support them in this exciting educative task
Parent s ne couvrez pas la face  dites a ton énfant, dites a ces jeunes  toute ce que vous savez sur et contre le SIDA 
Parents, don’t hide/cover your face, say to /tell your child , say to these young ones, all that you know on and against AIDS
Chercheurs du monde entire, attention, c’est a vous q’appertiens  éficacite de la lute contre LE SIDA
World researchers, take care/beware, the efficiency to fight against AIDS lies with you
Nous attendant  le vaccine nous attendant le medicament il tarderond a venir  certes/ sept,cinq,dix ans 
We are waiting for the vaccine and  medication, it will delay/come late, maybe seven, six or ten years
Echangez vous les experience, ne travaillent pas en cercle fermée le temps presse 
Exchange/share your experiments, don’t work in close circles
le mal  vous lance Progréssivement un défi   qui paraît inébranable 
The difficulty  throws/ moves us forward/makes us progress, a challenge which seemed steadfast/unwavering
Comme Pasteur, comme Fleming, comme Curie, comme tant autre genies au siècle dérnier, rachez à   votre tour 
Like Pasteur,Flemming,Curie and many other geniuses in the past century … to your turn
 vaincre ce mal qui  terrorise L’humanite, chassez du corps  humaine ce fleau qui la …. 
Conquer this problem which terrorizes humanity, chase from the human body this scourge that has….
Ne perdent pas de temps en vous disputant  sur le  partenite de telles ou decouverte 
Don’t lose/waste time arguing amongst yourself on patent or discovery of the medication
Cela ne vous avençera pas
That will not develop you
Bosala mosala, mama, bachercheurs botika kokabola bikolo 
They do their work job, but researchers have been  left to divide the world
Médecins, vous s’avez miex que quiqonque comment le SIDA s’attrape ne 
Doctors, you know better than any other person  how AIDS is contracted
Montrez pas aux maladies que vous avez peur de lui, ne detruise par votre langage, par votre  comportement, le moral des malades du SIDA 
Don’t show patients that you are afraid of him/her, don’t destroy, by your language by your behavior, the morale of AIDS victims/patients
Même si les M… cet par vous que tous les corps medical prendra le courage pour soigner  cette terrifiant maladie, le SIDA 
And to … too, it is by you that all  medical bodies/organizations will be encouraged to treat this terrifying disease
Médecins, attention aux secrets medical, c’est un secret professional
Doctors, beware of medical secrets, it’s a professional secret
le dossier du malade ne concerne tous les malades ou ses proches
A patient’s file does not concern all the other patients or his family and friends
Ne dites pas un n’importe qui n’importe quoi qui puisse éveiller la panique
Don’t say to anyone anything that can heighten or arouse panic
Votre devoir est commes toujours  sacré
Your duty is as always, sacred
Infirmiers, médecins, chercheurs en médecin tout la societe a loeil fixee sur  vous , 
Nurses, doctors, medical researchers the society’s eye is fixed on you/the society has fixed its eye on you
si il y’a un miracle il vont viendra de vous 
If theres any miracle, it will come from you
Infirmiers, attention aux syringes at aiguilles déjà utilisées, mettez des gands quand vous toucher de sang
Nurses, beware of syringes and used needles, put on gloves when you touch blood
Gouvernments des pays riches aider des des pays pauvre, offer leur moyens de lutter contre le SIDA 
Govts of rich countries,help the poor countries, give them/show them ways of fighting AIDS
Ne leur fournissez pas des armes qui les incites a s’entretuer L’arme idéal, c’est la lute contre le SIDA frères et soeurs 
Don’t supply them with arms which incites them to kill each other, the ideal arm/weapon is the struggle against AIDS, brothers and sisters
Nations de monde entire, entrainez vous de vous faites des échanges sur vos experiences sur le SIDA,
Nations all over the world, train yourselves to make/organize exchanges on your experience on AIDS
multiplier rencontres , conference, afin des connaissance se developpent 
Increase the number of meetings/meet more frequently,in conferences,at the end of it, knowledge develops(on the subject of AIDS)
Autorités politiques, utilisez les radios, televisions et les journaux  pour informer les population des dangers du SIDA,
Political authorities, use radios, televisions and print media(newspapers) to inform the population on the dangers of AIDS
 Il faut les informer comment on être protèger  
You must inform them on how to protect one self
un même combat  doit nous mobiliser
we must mobilize ourselves against one fight/we must be concerned by one fight
Nous devons tous lutter contre le SIDA, aah 
We must all fight against AIDS

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