January 02, 2025 - 05:00 PM

Mboka epanzani sango ee ee
[The town is spreading rumours about me]
Mboka epanzi ngai sango, balobi.. 'akoti lopitalo ee
[They are saying 'he is in hospital']
Balobi.. 'bamoni ye nga ngaliema ee
[They are saying 'he was seen in Ngaliema']
Balobi.. 'akende na Bruxelles ee
[They are saying 'he has gone to Brussels']
Balobi.. 'bamoni na Anvers ee
They are saying 'he was seen at Anvers']
Balobi.. 'Akende na Paris ee
[They are saying 'he has gone to Paris']
Balobi.. 'bamoni na Geneve ee
[They are saying 'he was seen in Geneva']
Balobi.. 'Akende na Amerika ee'
[They are saying 'He has gone to the USA']
Parti etat, efuteli ye ticket oo
[He has received his flight ticket]

Swela obota ngai, ngai makila mabe mama
[Swela you gave birth to me, I was born with bad blood]
Ebele ya bato oyo, balingi ngai te
[There are lots of people who do not like me]
Lelo namoni na miso mama
[Today I have seen with my own eyes]
Nasala nini mokili
[What will I do with the world]
Zairois alingaka se na tango ya bisengo eh
[Zaireans will like you during times of happiness]
Malade bakangi yo
[When illness befalls you]
Akomi koseka yo ee
[They laugh at you]


Ebele ya malade bokabeli ngai na nzoto baninga
[My body has been burdened by various diseases]
Nasala nini na mokili
[What will I do, oh world]
Nzambe asala moto po abotama
[God created man to be born?]
Nzambe asala moto pe azua malade
[God also created man to become sick]
Ya ngai sango epanzani mokili mobimba
[But when it happens to me, the news travels all over the world]
Nasala nini oo
[What can I do]


Bamosusu bakoseke
[Some people are laughing]
Bamosusu bakofinga ngai
[Some people are insulting me]
Mpo nazwi mpasi na mokili
[Because problems have overcome me in the world]
Nasala nini bandeko
[What will I do my people]
Bazairois bakabeli ngai liwa mbala motoba
[Zaireans tried to give me sickness six times before]
Nzame andimi te
[God did not allow it]
Azali kotala ngai
[He was looking after me]
Nasala nini mawa
[What do I do, so sad]
Nani alobelaka bango likambo oyo nase ya pongi
[Who told them all this while sleeping]
Nasala nini, mawa
[What shall I do, so sad]


Franco (French):
Mes ennemis me souhatent du mal et disent
[My enemies wish me evil and say]
'Quand mourra-t-il?'
[When is he going to die]
'Quand perira son nom?'
[When will his name perish?]
Si quelque'un vient me voir, il parle faussement
[Whenever someone comes to see me, he fakes his speech]
Son coeur amasse de mauvais desseins
[His heart gathers slander]
Il s'en va dehors et il parle
[Then he goes outside and begins to spread word]
Tous ceux qui me haissent chuchotent entre eux contre moi
[All that hate me whisper together against me]
A mes cotes, ils meditent ma perte
[They imagine my loss]
'Quelqu'action criminelle pese sur lui'
[A vile disease has beset him]
Le voila couche, disent-ils, 'il ne se relevera plus'
[He is lying there, he will never get up again]
Meme l'homme avec qui j'etais en paix
[Even my close friend]
Qui avait ma confiance et qui mangeait mon pain
[Whom I trusted, and who shared my bread]
A leve le pied contre moi
[Has turned against me]
Psaume 41: 6-10
[Psalm 41: 6 - 10]


Nzambe asala bato mabe na mokili
[God created evil people in the world]
Asala pe bato malamu na mokili
[Yet he also created good people on earth]
Bato atinda na Zaire mosala koseka bato ya maladie
[The people that he created in Zaire always laugh at sick people]
Bato atinda na Zaire mosala koseka bato ya mpasi
[The people he put in Zaire always laugh at people with problems]
Nasala nini, mawa
[What can I do, its sad]
Balobi nabengisi bana nasali testament
[They say I called all my children to give the last testament/will]
Napesa mwana na mwana eloko alingi
[That I gave all my children their inheritance]
Naloba nini aa
[What do I say]
Nani alobelaki likambo oyo na se ya pongi
[Who was saying these things while sleeping]
Nani alobelaki likambo oyo na se ya ndoto
[Who was saying these things while dreaming]
Kinshasa biloba loba ee
[Kinshasa is full of rumours]
Nasala nini oo
[What do I do]


Mpo na nini boye, mpo na nini boye
[Why is it like this, why is it like this?]
Moto akokufa bango bakoseka ye
[When a person is dying, they laugh at him]
Moto akobela, bango bakomela
[When a person is ailing, they drink and toast]
Balingi bamona mpasi ya moninga aa baseka
[They like to see friends suffer so they can laugh]
Balingi bamona mpasi ya moninga badondwa
[They like to see friends suffer so they can feel good]
Likambo yango esalemaka mpe na Kinshasa
[This problem happens in Kinshasa]
Namona mpe na mboka mosusu te
[I have never seen this in other countries]
Kinshasa moto ya mawa azali te
[In Kinshasa sad people are not there]
Naloba nini aa
[What do I say]

Epayi bakolela ebembe, epayi bakobina musique
[The same place of mourning, is where they are also dancing to music]
Epayi bakolela ebembe, epayi bakoloba maloba mabe
[The same place of mourning is where they say bad things]
Nasala nini na mokili ya bato
[What do I do about this world of men]
Pona nini Nzambe asala bato ee
[Why did God create people]
Bato atinda na Zaire, mosala koseka bato
[The people that He put in Zaire always laugh at others]
Bato atinda na Zaire, mosala koseka bato ya maladie
[The people he put in Zaire, always laughing at sick people]
Nasala nini oo mokili
[What do I do, this world]


Franco (final vocal solo)

Oh baninga, famille nini ezuwaka mpasi te na mokili
[My friends, what family does not have problems in the world]
Mama nini abotama mwana te mwana akomona mpasi
[Which mother gives birth to a child who will not have problems]
Ekomi ya ngai, nde likambo
[When it happens to me it becomes an issue]
Oo..obomi ngai mbala motoba
[You tried to kill me six times]
Tango nazali na Kinshasa mbala misato
[When I was in Kinshasa three times]
Tango ngai nazali na mpoto mbala misato
[Time when I was in Europe three times]
Nayebi eloko nini olingi na nzoto na ngai te
[I don't know what you want with my body]
Nazali moto lokola bino
[I am just a person like you all]
Nani azuwa te mpasi na mokili
[Who can never have problems in this world]
Nani abelaka te
[Who can never fall sick]
Mbala motoba obomi ngai, Nzambe ayoki bino te
[Six times you killed me, but God denied your bid]
Nzambe ayoki losambo na ngai
[God listened to my prayers]
oo likambo te eza mokili
[This issue is not for this world]
Mokolo pe ezali
[There are still days]

[Chorus + fade to end]

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